Biophilic Interior Design North Vancouver


Biophilic Design uses natural elements to create a human-centred approach that improves the spaces that we live and work in today. Incorporating direct or indirect elements of nature into your environment has numerous benefits to our health and well-being. Our Biophilic Designers are looking forward to collaborating with you on future projects and bringing you more nature-centric experiences.

Improving the quality of life through the integration of natural elements into our living spaces is our central focus. We believe we can help influence the way people consider nature and natural elements in the living space. Together we can push the boundaries of biophilic design and offer healthier design solutions for people and the planet.

At My Biophilic Space, together we can push the boundaries of biophilic interior design in North Vancouver and offer healthier design solutions for people and the planet.

biophilic interior design north vancouver
biophilic interior design north vancouver


Until relatively recently in human history, humans had constant interactions with their natural surroundings. Biophilia is the idea that humans have an affinity towards other living organisms and the natural world.  This emerging field addresses humans’ psychological need to be around other life and life-like processes. The term “Biophilia” was first popularized by American biologist Edward O Wilson in the 1980s when he observed how the increasing rates of urbanization lead to a disconnection between humans and the natural world.

With high rates of migration to urban centers, and 90% of our time is spent indoors, where the air is 5x more polluted, Biophilia is becoming more important to our health and well-being in the built environment. Biophilic Interior Design uses key ideas from Biophilia to nurture the innate human-nature connection through human-centric design. Biophilic Design principles have the ability to improve many of the spaces that we live and work in today, with numerous benefits to our health and well-being.


We have an integrated biophilic interior design team in North Vancouver including interior designers, horticultural engineers, scientists and project managers. Our dedicated team works to bring biophilic elements into your living, work and social spaces, allowing everyone to enjoy their benefits. At My Biophilic Space, we assist designers and customers in specifying local and environmentally conscious furniture and finishes. These biophilic elements include greenery, custom and standard planters and advice on the inclusion of natural patterns, light and air.


Biophilic homes are a perfect blend of natural, comforting elements with positive health benefits. Your home is a place that should feel like a sanctuary, a space that rejuvenates your spirit, lets you reconnect with nature, a source of energy and a haven from whatever is going on in the outside world.


The social environment is the space we choose to spend time with friends and family or observe the interactions around us. Social spaces can be aspirational and are often an extension of ourselves, our interests and tastes. Through biophilic interior design, we strive to blur the lines between indoor and outdoor environments so that even when you’re out, you’re out!


The office is a space where we spend a great majority of our time, ideally, it should be a space that motivates you to be your best and offer you all the resources you need to perform. The inclusion of natural biophilic design elements in an office has a direct link to improving employee well-being, happiness and creativity.


My Biophilic Space is a design studio that offers leading biophilic interior design services in North Vancouver to enhance the bond between people and nature by integrating natural elements into our living spaces, improving people’s wellness and happiness. Our holistic interior design services work help people to understand their unique cultural connection to nature to enhance their wellness, health and happiness. What sets My Biophilic Space apart is our ability to design for people’s environments and the environments plants live in. Our in-house nature-centric design gurus who understand the unique relationships between people and nature. We value this mutualism and are committed to providing sustainable, non-toxic local products. 

biophilic interior design north vancouver

Let's Collaborate

Whether you’re an industry professional or taking on a renovation project of your own, we are happy to help you specify products that will contribute to make your space a biophilic space.